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Best Chew Toys to Get Your Dog While Your Away on Vacation

Writer's picture: Holly BaxterHolly Baxter

dog chewing bone

These are the Best Options to Give Your Pet Sitter for Your Dog While You're Away

Why do this? When you go on a trip, it's SO important to leave your pup with some high quality chew toys. Chewing help reduce stress and anxiety. It also significantly decreases the likelihood of your dog causing damage to your home while you're away on your trip. Not sure which ones are the best to pick? We'll go over which are the best options below!

The Do's and Do Not's of Bones

Whenever considering a new chew toy for your dog, you should first educate yourself on the difference of the current choices on the market. High prices do not always indicate better products, especially in today's economy. It's easy to go to any pet store and pick out a chew toy sure. But keeping these do's and do not's in mind when shopping will help you make a better choice: Will it be safe for your puppy or dog? Will it be worth the money you spend? Will it last long enough to keep your pup happily entertained? These are the questions you should ask first before purchasing anything.

dog with bone

Durability and Strength for Your Dog

Durability goes hand in hand with the quality of the chew you're buying. This is primarily because the cheaper chews are going to break or disintegrate much faster than a high quality chew. There are a few brands you can trust to provide you with good products: Nylabone and Kong. These brands have been around for a long time and have had the time to test and perfect the products you see currently on the market. They specifically test for safety and durability with their products. When going with either of these companies you can be sure you're going to get your money's worth.

These brands make a variety of different chews including imitation bones, antlers, and tree branches. The reason they use imitation products is because they've perfected the formulas to replicate what it is your dog loves about these items, while making them long-lasting and durable at the same time. A regular bone or tree branch can easily be broken and splitter becoming a danger to your dog and a potentially costly vet bill. But they've found a way to make these products with materials that are safe for your dog and can withstand even the most aggressive chewers.

puppy chew

Overall Best Practices with Your Puppy or Dog

There are some overshadowing best practices to follow when picking out a new chew. Look for something that will not be easily chewed or potentially digested. Look for something thats marked with the words "for aggressive chewers" or "extreme chewers." You also want to look for the two brands previously mentioned: Nylabone and Kong. In addition, looking for products that you can see are well made overall is going to give you the best bang for your buck. When it comes to chews, it's always better to spring for the more expensive, well-made type. This is because your pup will go through the cheaper ones so much faster and they're much more likely to be the kind that can be accidentally ingested. In the past, pet care professionals had recommended items like rawhide to many of their clients. We've now come to know that rawhide can be a huge veterinary nightmare. It can cause blockages in your dog's digestive track leading to expensive surgeries. This is why it's so important to research the types of chews you buy before you go out shopping. Or if you're shopping online, take some time to read the reviews and see what kinds of experiences their other customers are having.



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