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Writer's pictureHeather Mason

The MOST Common Household Items That Can Poison Your Puppy or Dog

cleaning house

Household Cleaners

Household cleaners are commonly kept under the sink or in a closet. However, people are sometimes not thinking about the chemicals they're using to clean areas where their pets are also going to be. For example, your pet may not be able to get to the bleach under the counter, but if you use bleach to clean your bathroom and then the dog goes in the bathroom, then you can have some serious health issues. Dog's commonly lay on floors, lick their paws, or use their paws to itch their bodies. These are just some of the ways your puppy or dog can end up ingesting these products.

aloe plant


Some of the most common household plants that can be dangerous or even deadly to dogs include: aloe, birds of paradise, daffodil, and azalea. But there is a whole laundry list of plants that are also toxic to dogs. With plants, it's sometimes depends on which part of the plant the dog ingests. It's also very important to consider the size of the dog and the amount ingested. For instance, a full grown German Shepard taking a nibble of a plant leaf wouldn't have the same hazard as a Chihuahua eating a whole plant. Keep in mind that these plants can also grow outside, like ivy. So its a good idea to inspect your yard before allowing your puppy or dog to roam around.

insect killer


Insecticides and rodenticides both fall into the extremely dangerous category. Although these are also products that people often store away, you must consider not only the placement of the object or spray, but also your dog's contact with the bug or mouse. Spider spray is a great example of this. You may not spray where your dog lies or eats, but if your dog eats a spider that has already ingested poison then they too can get sick. It works the same for mice and rats which is something to note especially for the Terrier owners who know how much these breeds love vermin.



Batteries contain acid which can can chemical burns and the batteries themselves can cause intestinal blockages. If your dog chews on a batteries, this is cause for concern and a call to the vet is most definitely warranted. Batteries can easily come loose from dropped remotes or be found lying on the floor in garages. Luckily, we are transforming into a more rechargeable-friendly world where most objects can simply be recharged and do not need batteries. However, older handheld tools or items of that nature do have this potential threat.

peanut butter

Xylitol in Peanut Butter

Xylitol is an ingredient thats typically found in sugar-free foods. This has become a new emerging market especially over the past couple years. Peanut butter is a food commonly given to dogs so its vital to check that you get a peanut butter that does not contain xylitol. It's also often times seen in sugar-free gum which can smell extra yummy to your puppy or dog. We suggest always keeping a close eye on your puppy as they are exploring the world around them because these items which are seemly harmless can wreak havoc on your dog's health.


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